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The Unending Battle on the Validity of Lack of Governor’s Consent Under the Land Use Act
Has the Common law rule of equity resolved this?
The subject matter of land is very crucial to mankind from recorded history all over the world. It is a priceless possession. It’s prime importance in society and in the hands of individuals, families, communities are of high premium hence any attempt to temper or infringe on this proprietary right have been visited with serious repercussions ranging from physical attack, riot, arson, communal crises and endless arduous litigation.

Author: Alex Izinyon II On 16th August 2022, the Civil Aviation Act 2022 (CAA 2022) was enacted, repealing the Civil Aviation Act of 2006. The new Act introduced various changes that have recently impacted the aviation industry in Nigeria. However, Section 115 (1) and (2) of the CAA 2022 saves acts done under the now-repealed CAA 2006. On August 16, 2022, the Civil Aviation Act 2022 (CAA…

The subject matter of land is very crucial to mankind from recorded history all over the world. It is a priceless possession. It’s prime importance in society and in the hands of individuals, families, communities are of high premium hence any attempt to temper or infringe on this proprietary right have been visited with serious repercussions ranging from physical attack, riot, arson, communal crises and endless arduous litigation.

Patentability refers to the substantive conditions that must be met for a patent to be held valid. As patent laws are different in different countries, the patentability criteria also vary from country to country. The invention must satisfy the requirements under the context of a national or multinational body of laws to be granted a patent.